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World Record Jump Attempt in Arizona

The World Team’s most astonishing achievement to date is their 400-way jump in Thailand. With 400 skydivers all joining into one free-fall formation, the World Team broke the world record for the largest free-fall formation. Currently, they are in the process of attempting to break yet another world record, only this time, things are a bit more complicated.

The World Team is now attempting to break the record for the largest 2-point formation. During the jump, all 222 members have to come together to build a formation, break off, and then build another formation. The timing and accuracy of each skydiver must be exactly precise in order to have a recognized formation. Though this represents a daunting challenge, the World Team skydivers are some of the best in the world.

From April 6-12 the World Team gathered and attempted the complex jump. With ten planes flying up 19,000 feet, the World Team attempted the jump numerous times. Though they were extremely close to building both formations, they had still not completed the jump at the end of the week. Previously, the World Team stated that their attempts at breaking the world record would end on April 12th, but after the week ended and they still had not broken the record, members of the World Team remained optimistic. They  said that they were very close and would continue trying until successfully building the second formation. Though the World Team has not released an official statement on their immediate plans, keep an eye on their activity at Skydive Arizona; they may break early this week.

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