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USPA National Collegiate Parachuting Championships

USPA National Collegiate Parachuting ChampionshipsThe USPA National Collegiate Parachuting Championships, an event that’s famous for attracting and retaining new members to the sport, is quickly approaching with registration at Skydive Arizona in Eloy, Arizona to take place on Friday, December 28, 2012 and the competitions scheduled to run from Saturday, December 29 through Wednesday, January 2, 2013.

Hosted by The National Collegiate Parachuting League since 1961, the driving force of the organization is its passion to promote skydiving fellowship and win new enthusiasts to the sport, as well as to teach the safety and sportsmanship that skydiving exemplifies.

The collegiate competitions open up an avenue for the USPA to give college students an affordable and first-hand experience with skydiving that is meant to keep them coming back long after they move out into the world.

The events planned for this year’s competition include disciplines in Canopy Formation, Canopy Piloting, Formation Skydiving, Freefall Style, Accuracy Landing, Vertical Formation Skydiving, and Artistic Events that will feature the increasingly popular Freeflying competition.

As the league vies for the attention of college students, the USPA is also working hard to attract more female skydivers, and it plans to introduce a new program for women, that is the USPA’s new Sisters in Skydiving (SIS) mentorship program.

The purpose of SIS is to have the USPA’s more experienced female jumpers step on board to for a social network that will focus on mentoring any new and interested women jumpers and that will continue to encourage their participation in the sport.

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