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Sisters in Skydiving Mentorship

In an effort to add more depth and diversity to the sport, the U.S Parachute Association has launched the Sisters in Skydiving mentorship program. The program will match up experienced women skydivers or “Big Sisters” who have at least 100 jumps under their belt and the desire to help newcomers to the sport or “Little Sisters” to take under their wing.Once a Big Sister registers with USPA, they will have exclusive access to resources that will help them guide their Little Sisters, including advice from leading female jumpers, a database full of other Big Sisters so that networking can take place and ideas can be exchanged, as well as articles from Parachutists that are relevant to the seasoned jumper and newbies alike and much more.

The job of a Big Sister is more of a mentor or friendship role as opposed to a teaching or coaching position. You Little Sister will rely on you to be there to talk about issues she might be facing as she begins her skydiving journey.

Little Sisters can also sign up at the USPA website. Little Sisters can expect several benefits from the SIS mentorship program such as being invited on social outings with your Big Sister, help with equipment selection, someone to share your concerns and fears with and a shoulder to lean on that may have already been through the same things or had the same concerns you did when she first began in the sport.

The goal of the SIS program is to provide role models for new women jumpers in hopes that it might help the retention levels in female jumpers rise by providing them with the support they need as they begin their journey in the wonderful sport of skydiving.

About the USPA

The USPA is the United States Parachuting Association which consists of over 34,000 members and more than 250 skydiving school, centers, and clubs. The purpose of the USPA is to promote safe skydiving through training, issuing licensing, and to promote competition and record setting programs.

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