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Coupe Icare 2012

Coupe Icare 2012If you happen to be in France right now, you’re in for a treat. The Coupe Icare has been the most anticipated air sports event since 1974. Held against the backdrop of the breath-taking Alps, it has proven to be an extraordinary event for not only those into the air sports, but the general public as well. As in previous years, the show is expected to attract over 80,000 spectators throughout a 4-day weekend.  Coupe Icare 2012 is scheduled to run Sept. 20 through 23.

The event will feature trade tents, a film festival and numerous air sport related fixtures, including sail planes, acro displays and hot air balloons. Basically, it’s an aerial fan’s dream.

The film festival will be entirely dedicated to air sports as well, with documentaries, flight films and documented jumps from aerial enthusiasts. Those wanting to attend the festival appear to be greeted by great weather Thursday and Friday, with Saturday potentially messy and another clear day Sunday.

The event is held in good fun and will feature live music, lots of food and even in-flight costume competitions. Those who enjoy great entertainment mixed with flight will enjoy this sort of event, because it has a little bit of everything for the hardcore aerialist and casual observer.

France hit the nail on the head with this event and it appears a longstanding flight tradition will fruitfully continue for another year. This event illustrates just how international aerial sports are and how various countries celebrate. It’s a positive note for aerial sport lovers and seemingly a good time had for all with a European spin.

This year’s program will feature the following ultra light and paragliding events:

ICarnaval: A humorous contest for the most creative masquerade flight by hang glider and paraglider pilots from all over the world.

Icare Show: Paragliding, hang gliding, paramotor, parachuting, wingsuit, ultralight aircraft, and the Air Force acrobatic team put on a show that is guaranteed to dazzle everyone.

The Icares of Cinema: Celebrating its 30th year, the International Free Flight Film Festival promises to deliver a full line of entertaining air sports-related movies.

Tura’s Paper balloon pirates from Brazil. Appearing for their 10th anniversary at the Coupe Icare, the balloon pirates will feature exciting shows both day and night.

Other events include the Air Sports Trade Fair, Icare hot air balloon show, and a model aircraft and kite event at the Outdoor Sports and Leisure Expo.

For the youngsters, a special area is on site offering games, experiments, and other fun and entertaining events related to the aerial world.

The 39th Coupe Icare will take place in Saint-Hilaire-du-Touvet – Lumbin, France which is only a half hour drive from Grenoble between the Chartreuse range and Gresivaudan valley.

Visit the Coupe Icare Website.

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