06 hr Wind Direction Forecast Chart for Anchorage, AK |
3000 Feet |
6000 Feet |
9000 Feet |
12000 Feet |
18000 Feet |
24000 Feet |
30000 Feet |
34000 Feet |
39000 Feet |
Directions are in the direction the wind is coming from. Arrows point in the direction the wind is blowing towards.
06 hr Wind Speed Forecast Chart for Anchorage, AK |
Forecast is valid from 4:00 am to 11:00 am (AHST), 2nd day of this month |
Elev | Speed in Miles Per Hour |
3000 | 8 mph |
6000 | 9 mph |
9000 | 8 mph |
12000 | 9 mph |
18000 | 17 mph |
24000 | 18 mph |
30000 | 18 mph |
34000 | 19 mph |
39000 | 17 mph |
06 hr Temperature Forecast Chart for Anchorage, AK |
Elev | °Farenheit (First number is Temperature, Second number is Wind Chill) |
6000 | 19°F 8°F |
9000 | 8°F -4°F |
12000 | 1°F -13°F |
18000 | -18°F -43°F |
24000 | -41°F -74°F |
30000 | -67°F -108°F |
34000 | -70°F -112°F |
39000 | -59°F -96°F |
06 hr Forecast Summary for Anchorage, AK |
Altitude (MSL) | Direction | Speed | Temp | Wind Chill |
3000 | 360 | 8 mph | No Data | No Data |
6000 | 010 | 9 mph | 19 °F | 8 °F |
9000 | 050 | 8 mph | 8 °F | -4 °F |
12000 | 050 | 9 mph | 1 °F | -13 °F |
18000 | 040 | 17 mph | -18 °F | -43 °F |
24000 | 040 | 18 mph | -41 °F | -74 °F |
30000 | 030 | 18 mph | -67 °F | -108 °F |
34000 | 030 | 19 mph | -70 °F | -112 °F |
39000 | 350 | 17 mph | -59 °F | -96 °F |
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Raw Data ANC 3607 0108-07 0507-13 0508-17 0415-28 0416-41 031655 031757 351551 Raw data for the Anchorage, AK forecast was obtained from the National Weather Service at: https://aviationweather.gov/api/data/windtemp?region=alaska&fcst=06&layout=off&lvl=lo. Please read their Disclaimer. The raw data obtained from the National Weather Service and NOAA is not subject to copyright protection. The user assumes the entire risk associated with the use of this data. Winds and Temperatures Aloft Script © 2001-2003 Airsports Net |