Mangred Ruhmer of Austria took the Gold with Jonny Durrand of Australia taking second place. Two USA competitors, Jeff O’Brien and Zac Majors both won a task in this event.
The USA sent two teams this year to the Pre-Worlds with USA1 finishing in a 10 place overall and USA2 finishing in 28th place overall. Zac Majors was the top finishers from the USA with an 18th place finish followed by Benn Dunn at 24th, Jeff O’Brien at 41st, Jeff Shapiro at 47th, Derreck Turner at 71st, Davis Straub, at 72nd, Alexander Cuddy at 85th, Dustin Martin at 89th, and John Simmons at 109th.
Complete individual results.
Complete Team Results.
Videos courtesy of Jonny Durand.